Business Training

SBEC is your first choice for premium business training in the Solomon Islands.

Upcoming courses

Our training courses for 2025 are being finalised, check back later for more information.
You can find our full list of courses below.

What our attendees say…

Our Training Courses

Start Your Own Business


The SYOB course introduces you to the fundamental information required before starting a new business. It covers how to identify your business idea and check whether the idea will work or not using Marketing, SWOT, finance, supply and personal tools.

By completing this course you will be filled with confidence to decide on a business idea that works.

The course is run over 5 days.

Price: $450

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Anyone who can read and write and wishes to choose self-employment as his or her career.

Accounting 1


This one week course introduces you to the Accounting field of study. It covers the basic theory of accounting, the accounting process up to preparing a trial balance.

This course is targeted towards form 3, 5 and 6 leavers who wish to pursue their future career in accounting. It is also for those who are in tertiary and TVET institutions who are not competent in basic accounting due to time and environment.

The course is run over 5 days.

Price: $550

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Those who have taken business studies in forms 5-6 may find this course easier.


Accounting 2

This course is a continuation from Accounting 1. It continues with the rest of the accounting process, that is, balance day adjustments right up to Final Reports.

The course is run over 5 days.

Price: $550

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Must have completed Accounting 1


Bookkeeping & Excel

The Bookkeeping Course is designed for those who wish to improve basic and simple recording of their business affairs. It addresses areas in Cash book records, recording credit and preparing financial reports. Bank reconciliation and preparing of petty cash are also covered.

By completing this course you will be competent to track Debtors, Creditors, cash flow, financial position and performance. The financial record learned are also important for those who wish to apply for loan as required by commercial banks.

The course is run over 3 days.

Price: $450

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

  • Anyone who is able to read and write and has form 3 or above.

  • Those who are already in business but wish to improve their records.

  • You need to have some basic excel knowledge.


Financial Management

This is a two days course that builds from bookkeeping. You will learn about cash flow forecasting, cash flow management, budgeting, financial reports and key financial ratios.

This course is recommended for business owners and managers to help them make informed decisions concerning their business.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $400

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

  • It is suggested but not necessary depending on you the Trainer, to do Bookkeeping first.

  • Some basic mathematics background is needed in here.


Internal Control

This course will help you uncover some of the common mistakes Solomon Islanders repeatedly make which hinder their business success. This includes access, delegation and segregation of duties and responsibilities.

You will become competent in designing systems within your business that avoid fraud.

The course is run over a half day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

This course is open to Junior accountants, administrators, logistics officers, business managers


Preparation and Interpretation of Financial Information

In this course, you will prepare reports, and learn how to interpret and make good decisions based on those reports and your analysis.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

  • Should have completed the bookkeeping course

  • Completion of the financial management course would be an advantage


MYOB Accounting

This course is designed to lighten up your work load using the MYOB accounting system. You will create your company file, set up your chart of accounts, preparing various accounts, viewing and extract reports.

The course is run over 3 days.

Price: $1,250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Those without Accounting background should attend our other courses like Bookkeeping, Financial Management, and Internal Control first.


Sales and Marketing

The core section of any business is its marketing and sales section. This course will cover how to attract potential clients and how to convert them into sales for your business.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

  • Those already in business and or form 3s and 5s can apply.

  • This course will also benefit those who are working under sales and marketing in various businesses and have never attended any formal sales and marketing course.


Operations Management

After taking this course and applying it in your business, you will ensure smooth efficient service that meets the expectations and needs of your customers. You will learn the process flow from inputs to outputs and the operating systems that ensure efficiency in the flow.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

  • Those already managing their own business and wish to improve processes to fulfil customer needs.

  • Those who are working as operation managers but did not attend formal training in operations.


Customer Service

Quality customer service is the key to success for any employee with customer service responsibility, and quality customer service is the foundation upon which an organization’s success and profits are built.

 This course goes beyond just ‘shouting’ with your products to customers and offers piece by piece, step by step, information to employees seeking to provide quality customer service.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

  • Any working person or small business owners.

  • Anyone who is able to read and write that wishes to start up a business.


Costing and Pricing

Only through determining how much it costs you to make one product will put you in a comfortable position not only to set your selling price but also deciding on how much profit you are making per item. During tough competition you will be in a comfortable position to adjust your prices without any questions.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

NGOs, school leavers from form 3 and up, those who involve in selling cooked food in the informal sector. Retail stores owners.


Business Plan Writing

As the saying goes ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’. Most businesses failures in the Solomon Islands are caused by lack of planning.

This course will help you set up a roadmap for your business. By following this roadmap you will be able to achieve most of your business goals. Those who wish to access loan from commercial banks will also benefit from this course

The course is run over 3 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Business owners and those who have completed form 3 and up. Those who wish to apply for loan.


Finance for Non-finance managers

In any business or organization, all Managers including Engineers, Operations, Sales and Marketing, IT, and HR are required to understand basic finance including how to interpret financial reports.

These Managers are all contributing towards the financial performance and position of the business.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $400

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Various NGOs, private businesses, Managers besides Accountants.


Coaching for Business Owners

Managing people for improved work performance is one of the critical areas in business. Coaching is proven to be effective compared to other approaches since the employees will search and contribute to their own improvement. This course will tell you how to conduct the coaching skills to your subordinates.

Ministries, NGOs and Companies can also arrange to take this course.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

You should be in a supervisory role, a business operator etc.


Training of Trainers (TOT)

This course is designed for those who are doing training and are yet to qualify as trainers. As trainers you are required to understand the different individuals you are dealing with. You will also discover how adults learn.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

NGO Trainers, Ministries, Companies, This course is on request basis.


Presentation Skills

Today, presentation skills are required in almost every field. You may be asked to do a public presentation while at work or working for a church or somewhere else.

Presenting information clearly and effectively is key to getting your message across. This course will help you to develop your presentation skills and understanding.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Ministries, Churches, NGOs


Team Leadership and Management

This course is designed especially for organizations that wish to improve on their leadership and management skills towards achieving the shared goals.

Improve your ability to administer and coordinate a group of individuals to perform a task.

Learn how to provide guidance, instruction, direction and leadership to a group of other individuals for the purpose of achieving a key result or group of aligned results.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $550

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Organizations, NGOs, Church Leaders.


Building Effective Teams

Build a strong and highly motivated team through this course to accomplish shared goals.

The course is run over 1 day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Organizations, NGO, Government Ministries, Churches etc.


Personal Financial Management

Earn a better living by spending your money wisely. This course will enable unconscious spenders on wants to realize their unwise spending habits.

The course is run over 1 day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Any individual, NGOs


Retirement Planning

As the saying goes ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’. This course will help you avoid spending your money within the first 2-3 years of your retirement life.

The course is run over 1 day.

Price: $300

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Government Agencies, NGOs and anybody


Project Proposal Writing

Learn how to write a winning project proposal that proves to your client that you understand their problem, explains your solution, and builds trust.

The course is run over 5 days.

Price: $400

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, NGOs, Public Servants


Project Management

Learn the basic things a project manager must handle successfully: resources, time, money, and most importantly, scope. You will also run through the project phases you require in managing projects.

The course is run over 3 days.

Price: $600

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, NGOs


How to Prepare a Bank Reconciliation

This course is designed to help you understand what is bank reconciliation, learn its processes and prepare a bank reconciliation statement

The course is run over a half day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, NGOs


Basic Business Skills

This covers the basic part of starting your own business. The course covers the types of business, advantages and disadvantages of starting your own business, why business fail, characteristics of successful business owners, business and culture, legal forms of business, selecting the right business, market study and record keeping. These contents will secure the business in the run.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individual, business owners, NGOs


Basic Excel

This course will help you to learn the Excel overview window including and the basic skills and tips when using Microsoft Excel 2013 with activities and case studies for participants to try out.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, business owners, High School leavers, those who wish to learn excel.


Intermediate Excel

This course is the next step of basic excel. In this course you will discover intermediate skill and tips while using Excel also other approach to use in reducing workload e.g. Splitting Worksheets etc.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Basic excel participants, high school leavers, business people/owner, NGOs, Individual.


Advanced Excel

This is the final level after completing intermediate excel class.

Price: $450

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

This course is for those who want to master excel at the advance level


Basic Management

The success of your business depends on your good management practice. This course will help you explore and acquire basic management skills that will help your business to grow. The content covers basic approaches in managing the business and the management processes and its functions.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individual, NGOs, Business owners, Supervisors


Basic Records for your Business

You will learn a basic and simple tool for recording your business transactions. The recording areas prepared are cash book records (Recording cash transactions) and credit book records (recording credit transactions). These two records will capture data to prepare a financial report

The course is run over 1 day.

Price: $300

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

This training is designed for those who are in business.


Bee Keeping

Bee keeping training will help you to explore how you are going to start your bee farm and the process of management to look after your bee farm to become sustainable in your operation. This course will also help you to explore the end result of meeting high demand of honey product in our country.

The course is run over 3 days.

Price: $650

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

School leavers, business people/owner, NGOs, Individuals.


Business Ethics

Business ethics is an introduction to work place expectations. This course will help you to learn the work place ethics, employee behaviours, punctuality, team work, honesty and using your initiative and learn to do your job. In every business, business ethics is very important to display in the offices/businesses.

The course is run over a half day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, NGOs, Business owners.


How to Run a Better Canteen

This course covers the efficient management and structure of your canteen, how to buy better, how to control stock, managing canteen money, promoting and marketing your business, setting costing and pricing and analysing the cash flow for the business.

The course is run over 1 day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals and canteen owners.


Effective Business Communication

Effective business communication focus covers the key elements of effective communication. This includes verbal and non-verbal communication with effective communication techniques.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, NGOs, Business owners/people.


Effective Meetings

In this course you will learn the importance of effective meetings, why do we create meetings and how we conduct an effective meeting. Meetings seem to be more of a habit that is part of work. We learn from each other and complete the task better together - communicating is the best way to get things achieved.

The course is run over 1 day.

Price: $300

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, NGOs, Business owners/people.


Effective Strategic Plan

Effective strategic plan covers the strategic plans at different level of a business, how it will be managed, its management and the steps of planning and management. Also you will learn the main elements of strategic plan like values, vision and mission and their purpose that drive the strategic plan and many more aspect of strategic plans.

The course is run over X days.

Price: $TBC

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, NGOs, Business owners/people.


Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Entrepreneurship is the study of how new businesses are created and the actual process of starting a new business. It also refers to the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.

The course is run over 3 days.

Price: $450

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, private business owners, NGOs.


Financial Literacy

Financial literacy will help you to learn the importance of financial education for those who are financially illiterate. This course will cover the differences between earning money (self-employment vs paid-employment), spending, savings, and borrowing.

The course is run over 1 day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, private business owners, Youths, NGOs, Associations etc


Goal Setting

Learn the tools of setting goals and how goals can be achieved in timely based. This will help those who are not able to afford some things in life whilst saving is a best option to be able to afford it

The course is run over a half day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, private business owners.


How to do Market Research

How to do Market Research will assist you to explore some of the research method that will help you gather important, relevant and reliable data. It will also help you to identify what approach you will take before you carry out your research.

The course is run over 1 days.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, private business owners, NGOs


Managing People

People are the most valuable resource out of all resources within the organization. This course is designed to help managers and business owners on how to manage employee within their businesses. The course covers employee, recruitment and selection, performance management, supporting employee motivation, performance review or appraisals, raising concerns, discipline procedures, harassment and bullying at work and health and safety at work.

The course is run over a 2 days.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individual, NGOs, Supervisors, Leaders


Managing your Money

This course will help you to effectively manage your money properly. You will learn on evaluating your spending habits and will calculate how unnecessary spending can lead you to less or sometimes no money with you. Also you will learn what are some of the tools that will help you to manage your money properly. This is applicable to business and your personal money.

The course is run over X days.

Price: $TBC

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

School leavers, business people/owner, NGOs, Individual


Negotiation Fundamentals

Knowing about the party you will be negotiating with. Learn how to speak with people who have negotiated with the party, and learn the patterns and styles that you may be able to use against them.

The course is run over 2 day.

Price: $350

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, Organizations, NGO, Government Ministries, Churches etc.


How to do Petty Cash

Preparing data from small payments to create a petty cash report overtime to reimburse the allocated amount in the petty cash box.

The course is run over a half day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individual, NGOs, Business owners/people


Risk Management for Business

This assists small business owners to understand risks that impact their business. The course covers risk identification, warning signs, risk evaluation, risk measurement, risk control management and implementation and many more.

The course is run over 1 day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, Organizations, NGO, Government Ministries, Churches etc.



Learn the tips and tools on how to saving and understanding the reason to save. Tools used to save

The course is run over a half day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individual, NGOs, Business owners/people



Self- employment training is a training where it aware people explore creating their own business idea can create an employment to them rather than waiting to find a job.

The course is run over a half day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

High school leavers, individuals, Business Owners/people


Start and Improve your Business

Start and improve your business introduces fundamentals information required before starting a new business. It covers how to select the right business and testing them whether it will work out in a particular setting the business operates. Also this course applies to existing businesses who are thinking of improving and expanding their business growth.

The course is run over 2 days.

Price: $400

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individuals, business owners/people.


SWOT Analysis for Small Business

SWOT analysis is one of the testing tools in business whether your business will work out in a particular setting where you are operating it or not. You will learn what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for your business and will then know how to address weaknesses and threats that might cause harm to your business

The course is run over a half day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individual, business owners/people, others.


Time Management

Time management covers how effectively we manage our time given to produce and input that will generate income for the business. This course will help you to manage your time effectively with to generate income for your business.

The course is run over 1 day.

Price: $250

Who can attend? (Prerequisites)

Individual, business owners/people, others

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