Our Partners

SBEC has partnerships across local and international organisations. Our partnerships extend our ability to deliver the best service to small businesses across the Solomon Islands.

The Ministry is a key partner in supporting our work to improve MSME’s capacity. As a premium business training provider, we have the Ministry support to help build the capacity of our SMEs.

Business Division, Ministry of Commerce and Industry

SBEC is a key partner in apiary (bee Keeping) development. We have partnered with the Livestock Division since 2014 to provide bee farmers with apiary development training.

Livestock Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

SISBEC is a local partner of Business Link Pacific, supporting the development of local markets for business advisory and financial services using a market systems approach.

Business Link Pacific

An Australian Government initiative working in partnership with the private sector to make a strong, positive and lasting impact through business growth. Strongim Bisnis supported SISBEC with equipment and course material development.

Strongim Bisnis

SISBEC is a member of SICCI and a partner, supporting SMEs in business training and advisory support services.

Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce

SISBEC and ISIA work together to promote SME development and raise the level of support given to SMEs through training, workshops and business advisory services.

Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants